旅行者【日本文化巡禮】東京日本橋・2小時日本在地文化體驗(英文導遊+赠送紀念品)發表的評價 (With pictures only) | 東京自由行,當地體驗以及各種旅遊活動 VELTRA



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用戶: Catherine Huang (TW), 2016/09/18

短時間了解日本神社參拜, 參觀在地名店並品嘗特色食物
親切而熱誠的導覽人員, 解說非常專業, 整趟旅程非常愉快!
午餐美味地驚人, 而且根本吃不完啊!!
物超所值, 大人小孩都很開心!
It’s a good way to know more about the Japanese shrine in a short time.
Visiting the famous shops and tasting those local foods are very impressed.
The welcoming and enthusiastic tour staff are great, very professional and friendly, the whole trip was so pleasant!
Amazing lunch, big volume but wonderful quality.
Too bad that just simply could not eat them all!
Really worth it. Highly recommended!!

  • Before entering the shrine, should know about the gate!

  • Visiting the one of the famous shops in the area


Thank you so much for joining our tour! We had a great time showing your family around and are so glad that you enjoyed it. Please come visit us again if you are in the area!

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