查看【巴黎风味】埃菲尔铁塔58 Tour Eiffel餐厅・美味午餐预约服务的图片 | 预订在VELTRA的巴黎个自由行,当地体验以及各种旅游活动

【巴黎风味】埃菲尔铁塔58 Tour Eiffel餐厅・美味午餐预约服务

图片类型: 13 图片

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch


france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

france, paris, eiffel tower, lunch

58 Tour Eiffel - Eiffel Tower restaurant on the first level  of the Eiffel Tower (Dominique Milherou)

Trocad駻o view (Dominique Milherou)

Eiffel Tower (Lehmann)

Panoramic roof with Eiffel tower view (Dominique Milherou)