

最後評價 2018/04/08
# of Reviews: 4

英語很差, 不能溝通

發表於: 2018/04/08

指導英文欠佳, 朋友第一次浮潛, 只係聽咗幾個單字及手勢就跳下海, 有點驚, 飲咗勁多啖海水.


評分: star
參加日: 2018/03/14
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  • 浮潛氣管有黑點, 第二天我喉嚨就痛了

感覺被騙, 沒有會英文員工

發表於: 2018/03/18

先到幻之島, 再到第一浮潛點, 只有single word既英文指示及指手劃腳示範就跳下海, 好彩之前個日另一間公司既潛水教練講得仔細, 如果第一次咩都不清楚既情況下, 真的有點驚, 我朋友飲咗勁多咸水先適應.

Lunch飯盒沒有期待, 但知下午還需體力, 也盡量食多d, 同船兩位日本妹妹只食咗幾啖就倒.

下午跟另一個guide到青之洞, 唉...英文仲差個早上的, 叫我come, 就話go. 牛頭唔搭馬嘴一輪後就開始潛水.

青之洞外既珊瑚靚過朝早, 仲多d魚, 近岸邊仲有好多海參.

那天天氣温暖有太陽, 但三月海水仲係涼的, 早上浮潛完濕咗身坐快艇超涷, 一直濕著個身食lunch到下午浮潛完先可以除潛水衣. 我們也有帶可弄濕的外套, 但濕身咁多個鐘唔係咁過癮. 我朋友第二日就病了.

評分: star
參加日: 2018/03/14
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  • 青之洞內

  • 青之洞外

  • 海參

  • 浮潛氣管有黑點, 第二天我喉嚨就痛了

kayaking in quiet, calm and peaceful mangrove forest!!

發表於: 2018/03/18

Our guide Mr Daisuke (大介) speak in good English and leaded 5 of us to the top of waterfall. This adventure is a bit tough for me because I'm a fat girl. The next day I hardly walk cause my muscles were so painful. hahhaaaa..... However, I'm glad I did it and is worth it.

My husband and I do not speak Japanese as others in group but my guide never left me behind. He chatted to us proactively.

We have an excellent day. Thank you so much.

p.s. Unlucky, I didn't met yamaneko on that day ^_^!


Hi jan
Thank you for joining to our tour.
Your comment gives me the energy.

Your paddling was very strong.
I was very surprised.

If you have a chance to come to Iriomote island again, Let's adventure together.


評分: star
參加日: 2018/03/13
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  • sakishimasuounoki tree

Amazing underwater experience

發表於: 2018/03/18

I did a bit nervous before the dive because my husband do not speak any of English and Mandarin. We are so lucky we met the coach (Harvey) which he can speak Cantonese and explained very clear to us. Highly recommend choice the coach can speak your language for the first time diving.

We got a CD after diving. Apart the photos we took under the sea, it also has some beautiful photos of fishes with Japanese and English name. Very thoughtful.

The staff of centre (Mika) also help us to get to the center and offer us a drop off to the hotel.

Thank you so much

評分: star
參加日: 2018/03/11
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