Pico的【福岡治癒系】超人氣貓頭鷹咖啡廳・OWL FAMILY博多店(餵食體驗可選+歡迎親子同行)件評價,福岡件在福岡的自由行,當地體驗以及各種旅遊活動 |VELTRA

/Pico發表的評價在【福岡治癒系】超人氣貓頭鷹咖啡廳・OWL FAMILY博多店(餵食體驗可選+歡迎親子同行)
日本, 福岡

Wonderful experience

發表於: 2017/10/17

All kinds of cute OWL and nice services, I like it so much, will try visit again in the feature, ; )


Thank you for your comment!
I am fortunate to have a nice time with the owl.
We are looking forward to seeing you again!

評分: star
參加日: 2017/10/12
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