Edward Chan的【福岡治癒系】超人氣貓頭鷹咖啡廳・OWL FAMILY博多店(餵食體驗可選+歡迎親子同行)件評價,福岡件在福岡的自由行,當地體驗以及各種旅遊活動 |VELTRA

/Edward Chan發表的評價在【福岡治癒系】超人氣貓頭鷹咖啡廳・OWL FAMILY博多店(餵食體驗可選+歡迎親子同行)
日本, 福岡


發表於: 2018/12/24

CAFE is located near the shopping street and is not difficult to find. It is very suitable for people who are traveling abroad. And the owls are really cute. Parents would felt comfortable that to let their children touch the owls. The owls are clean and look health. I can imagine that the shopkeeper always takes good care of the owls. The staffs of OWL CAFÉ are polite and kind. They are very considerable detail during the experience. At first, the children were a little bit worried and feared to touch or feed the owls but at last no matter adults or children, they are very satisfied. If you are traveling with your family, this is a nice place. You may let your child interacts with the owls and you may educate your child lives precious.


Thank you for coming to our store.
Please come to our shop when you come back to Japan!

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參加日: 2018/12/24
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