Simone的【石垣島海洋】米其林三星川平灣SUP立式划槳or獨木舟+青之洞窟浮潛+叢林溯溪・探險一日遊(英文教練+接送服務+免費活動照片)件評價,石垣島/八重山群島件在石垣島/八重山群島的自由行,當地體驗以及各種旅遊活動 |VELTRA


日本, 沖繩, 石垣島/八重山群島

Very nice tour

發表於: 2019/07/30

The guide is very friendly and organised, he helped us to take lots of pictures
The places are beautiful, we had lots of fun.
This tour is more suitable for a group of people instead of family with very young children as it took lots of energy. But for a normal adult, it should not be a problem

評分: star
參加日: 2019/07/27
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