

最後評價 2018/06/05
# of Reviews: 4


發表於: 2018/06/05


評分: star
參加日: 2018/06/01
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導遊們都非常友善,喜歡大自然的朋友值得一去。 The guides are very friendly and friends who love nature are worth a visit.

發表於: 2018/06/05

Activities require more physical strength. The guides are very friendly and friends who love nature are worth a visit.


HI Tang san.
Did you enjoy Iriomote??
Let`s try botom of the waterfool next time!!
I waiting for you!!
Thank you.
Hirotaka Uno

評分: star
參加日: 2018/05/31
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導遊頗友善,可惜會所設施殘舊又沒有冷氣, 更衣位置沒有私隱,地方不整潔,過程亦好混亂。The tour guides were quite friendly. Unfortunately, the clubhouse facilities were dilapidated and the whole process was confusing.

發表於: 2018/06/05

導遊頗友善,可惜會所設施殘舊又沒有冷氣, 更衣位置沒有私隱,地方不整潔,過程亦好混亂。去青洞浮潛需要踩過好多沙灘上的石,但他們所提供的浮潛鞋很薄又每一對都有破損,令到腳板踩在石上好痛,以及好容易受傷。而且環境不佳,整個過程不太愉快。感覺上不夠安全和細心,不會再參加。

The tour guides were quite friendly. Unfortunately, the clubhouse facilities were dilapidated and there is no air conditioning. There is no privacy in the dressing room too. The area was untidy and the whole process was confusing. To snorkel at blue cave, you need to step on a lot of rocks on the beach. However, the snorkeling shoes provided by them are thin and each pair is damaged. This makes it difficult for the foot to step on the stone and is easily injured. And the environment is not good, the whole process is not very happy. It is not safe and careful enough to participate.


我很抱歉俱乐部的条件不好。 我很抱歉
我希望改善所有员工,让每个人都能够对未来充满信心参与巡回赛。 感谢您在这个时候提出宝贵的意见和建议。

ayaka matsukura

評分: star
參加日: 2018/05/30
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發表於: 2017/06/11

it is cool and a joyful experience for our family to join this trip! A nice and amazing moment for us.

評分: star
參加日: 2017/06/06
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