Eclectic Evening Food Tour in the Dotonbori Area of Osaka tours, activities, fun things to do in Osaka(Japan)|VELTRA
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Eclectic Evening Food Tour in the Dotonbori Area of Osaka

137814 10013

What to expect

Enjoy Osaka's food at several spots off the beaten path. Your guide will take you through Dotonbori for food stops at a Michelin Rated Takoyaki place, hidden Izakayas, a unique bar hub and more!
Check availability
Package Details
Price per Adult :
Adult (Age 13 & over)
USD 189.83
USD 189.83
Adult (Age 13 & over)
USD 189.83
USD 189.83
Price per Adult :
Child (Age 3-12)
USD 94.92
Infant (Age 0-2)

Child (Age 3-12)
USD 94.92
Infant (Age 0-2)


3 hour(s)
Available Daily
Without pick-up
Inclusions: English-speaking guide / 4 food stops / 1 drink / Dessert / Street food Tasting


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Meet in front of Starbucks Tsutaya Ebisu-bashi (Meeting Time 16:45)
Tasty Local Treats
Local Bar Hub

Tour Ends in the Minami Osaka/Dontonbori area

Transportation add-ons

Not available


Pick-up/Check-in Time & Location

Drop-off/Check-out Time & Location

Important activity information

To ensure the best experience, please read the restrictions and requirements before booking.

Important activity information


  • Under Japanese law, alcohol can be ordered by participants over 20 years of age only.

Additional notes

  • Additional meals and drinks not listed in the inclusions is not included in the tour fare.
  • Please note that VELTRA and the tour provider will not be liable for any theft or loss or loss of property, as well as bodily harm or injury. Please exercise due caution.
  • Emergency Phone Numbers:
    Ambulance: 119 (simple English should be okay)

    Medical emergencies in Tokyo:
    Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Information Service: +81 (0)3 5285 8181
    English assistance: 9 am - 8 pm

    Medical emergencies in Kansai (including Osaka and Kyoto):
    AMDA International Medical Information Centre KANSAI: +81 (0)6-6636-2333
    English assistance: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Emergency Phone Numbers:

    Outside of Tokyo & Kansai:
    Japan Helpline: +81 (0)120-461-997 or +81 (0)570-000-911
    English assistance 24h

    Other useful numbers:
  • We have a strict policy about starting our tours on time. If you are not able to arrive at the meeting point by the departure time, the tour will start regardless and no refund will be provided.
  • We are also unable to accommodate your meeting up at any of the food stops once you’ve missed the start of the tour. This is to protect the enjoyment of all our guests and the relationships with our restaurant partners. Please note we can only wait an additional five minutes after the starting time and then the tour will depart.
  • In addition to our limited no-exception five-minute grace period: we cannot give directions or contact the guides on the phone once the tour begins. This is to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all guests on the tour. Our Guides will focus on the tour and cannot be responsible to help you connect after the tour begins.
  • For this tour, it is possible (with advanced notice at the time of booking) to make adjustments to support the following dietary restrictions.
    ・Shellfish Free
    ・Pork Meat Free
  • Please keep in mind, however, that we cannot make an allergy-free or dietary restriction food guarantee since food is prepared in kitchens that do not belong to Arigato Japan. Also, some stops may not have a viable substitution but we will make every effort to compensate at different stops throughout the tour.
  • Due to the food options chosen for this tour and available in the area, we are unable to accommodate anyone with gluten-free dietary restrictions on this tour. We apologize for this inconvenience, but we are unable to make substitutions for this here.
  • Changes on tours: Applicable substitutions may be made due to public holidays, weather conditions, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Required items to bring & attire

  • On rainy days, we recommend bringing an umbrella. They can be easily purchased at any convenience store.
  • Walking shoes

Booking requirements (# of participants, vehicles, hours, etc.)

  • You can book a minimum of 2 and maximum of 30.

Activity Provider Arigato Japan

Activity Provider


Q. What are common food allergies and their Japanese translation?
A. Japanese for Common Allergy Foods:

Nut Allergy ナッツアレルギー
almond アーモンド
brazil nuts ブラジルナッツ
cashew カシュー
hazelnut ヘーゼルナッツ
hickory nut ヒッコリーナッツ
macadamia マカダミアナッツ
peanut ピーナッツ
pecan ピーカンナッツ
pine nut 松の実
pistachio ピスタチオ
walnuts くるみ

Shellfish Allergy (including mollusks and crustaceans) 貝アレルギー
calamari カラマリ
crayfish ザリガニ
cuttlefish いか
lobster ロブスター
mussels ムール貝
oysters カキ
prawns 海老

Fish Allergy 魚アレルギー
cod タラ
salmon サーモン
snapper スナッパー
trout マス
tuna マグロ
yellowtail ハマチ
mackerel 鯖
sardine イワシ
anything that is from the ocean 海に住む生き物

Gluten Allergy 小麦アレルギー
bread パン
breakfast cereals 朝食用シリアル
porridge お粥
cakes ケーキ
biscuits ビスケット
pizza ピザ
pasta パスタ
wheat-based noodles 小麦焼きそば
bread crumbs パン粉
soy sauce 醤油
yeast extract spread (such as Vegemite) イーストエキス(ベジマイトなど)
soups スープ
ice cream アイスクリーム
custard powder カスタードパウダー
beer ビール
barbequed chicken バーベキューチキン
sausage ソーセージ
hamburger ハンバーガー

Lactose Intolerance 乳製品食べません
milk 牛乳
cheese チーズ
ice cream アイスクリーム
butter バター
yogurt ヨーグルト
biscuits and cakes (if milk or milk solids are added) ビスケットとケーキ
cheese sauce チーズソース
cream soups クリームスープ
custard カスタード
milk chocolate ミルクチョコレート
pancakes パンケーキ
scrambled eggs スクランブルエッグ
quiche キッシュ
some breadいくつかパン

Soy 大豆アレルギー
edamame 枝豆
miso みそ
natto 納豆
soy sauce and shoyu sauce 醤油
soy flour 大豆粉
soy nuts 大豆の実
soy bean sprouts もやし
soy-based milk 豆乳
soy-based yogurt 大豆ヨーグルト
soy-based ice cream 大豆アイスクリーム
soy-based cheese 大豆チーズ
tamari 大豆たまり
tempeh 大豆テンペ
tofu 豆腐
Please visit VELTRA Support page to send an inquiry about this activity.

Payment / Cancellation Policy

Payment Methods
  • Credit card payment
Cancellation Policy
  • Any cancellations made between 21:00 local time, 7 business days to 21:00 local time, 4 business days prior to the activity will be subject to a charge of 50% of the total amount.
  • Any cancellations made after 21:00 local time, 4 business days prior to the activity will be subject to a charge of 100% of the total amount.
Operation days
  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Top-Rated Activities for Osaka

Required items to bring & attire
Additional notes
Booking requirements (# of participants, vehicles, hours, etc.)
Eclectic Evening Food Tour in the Dotonbori Area of Osaka
Enjoy Osaka's food at several spots off the beaten path. Your guide will take you through Dotonbori for food stops at a Michelin Rated Takoyaki place, hidden Izakayas, a unique bar hub and more!