Discover the City: Top Salzburg Sightseeing Tours | ザルツブルク観光・オプショナルツアー予約専門 VELTRA
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Discover the City: Top Salzburg Sightseeing Tours
Discover Salzburg (literally, "salt fortress") on a walking tour, or by bus or boat, and see everything that beautiful mountain town has to offer. Known for being the birthplace of classical giant Wolfgang Mozart, and the setting of the well-loved classic movie, The Sound of Music, Salzburg has many attractions and sites awaiting your discovery. Don't miss out!


Discover the City: Top Salzburg Sightseeing Tours | ザルツブルク観光・オプショナルツアー予約専門 VELTRA

Discover Salzburg (literally, salt fortress) on a walking tour, or by bus or boat, and see everything that beautiful mountain town has to offer. Known for being the birthplace of classical giant Wolfgang Mozart, and the setting of the well-loved classic movie, The Sound of Music, Salzburg has many attractions and sites awaiting your discovery. Don't miss out!