Moulin Rouge Show Tickets and Dinner Cabaret | パリ観光・オプショナルツアー予約専門 VELTRA
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Moulin Rouge Show Tickets and Dinner Cabaret
The most famous cabaret in the world, the Moulin Rouge has been entertaining audiences since 1889 with it's high-energy cancan shows and cabaret acts. Experience the thrilling choreographed dances of the highly acclaimed revue Féerie, and get a taste of the Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec's day while sipping a glass of champagne.
Pro tip: Read reviews from other travelers so you know what to expect, and make sure to check out the basic dress code (no shorts or sportswear) before your night out.
See more Cabaret shows in Paris

Moulin Rouge Show Tickets and Dinner Cabaret | パリ観光・オプショナルツアー予約専門 VELTRA

The most famous cabaret in the world, the Moulin Rouge has been entertaining audiences since 1889 with it's high-energy cancan shows and cabaret acts. Experience the thrilling choreographed dances of the highly acclaimed revue Féerie, and get a taste of the Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec's day while sipping a glass of champagne.